What you need to know about your pelvic floor and pregnancy

Amplify! Blog Guest Writer – Kelsey Beach, DPT, CMTPT; Owner of Encore Therapy *Stay tuned to The Perinatal Podcast – Dr. Beach will discuss this and more on a future episode!* Hey there, fellow mamas-to-be and anyone curious about the magical world of pregnancy! Today, let’s dive into a topic that might not be theContinue reading “What you need to know about your pelvic floor and pregnancy”

Navigating Complex Grief: Understanding and Healing

Grief is a natural response to loss, an emotional journey that we all experience at some point in our lives. It is a complex web of emotions that can be overwhelming, consuming, and sometimes even paralyzing. While most of us are familiar with the stages of grief, there is another facet of this process thatContinue reading “Navigating Complex Grief: Understanding and Healing”

Navigating the Depths of Low Self-Worth: Reclaiming Your Inner Strength

Here I am with another panel topic! I am most likely going to just discuss every one we shared, and what not? Let’s go! Low self-worth is a complex and challenging emotion that can affect every aspect of our lives. It’s a feeling of inadequacy or not measuring up to our own or others’ expectations.Continue reading “Navigating the Depths of Low Self-Worth: Reclaiming Your Inner Strength”

Welcome to the Amplify Wellness Blog!

Embarking on the journey of parenthood is a profound and transformative experience, and it’s not always an easy path to navigate. Welcome to the Amplify Wellness Blog, a safe haven for sharing stories, insights, and resources about the emotional roller coaster that is trying to conceive, pregnancy, the postpartum period and beyond. The joys andContinue reading “Welcome to the Amplify Wellness Blog!”

Navigating Imposter Syndrome: Overcoming Self-Doubt and Embracing Success

This past weekend, I was delighted to discuss mental health in the Wizarding World at a Harry Potter convention with two beloved friends and professionals. In one section, we discussed Imposter Syndrome, and I felt it only fitting to share some of our points as they relate to Muggles! In a world where success isContinue reading “Navigating Imposter Syndrome: Overcoming Self-Doubt and Embracing Success”

Language Matters

Language matters. Be kind to yourself. And others.

What’s your Enneagram type?

What are your Enneagram types? Very rarely is any one thing all one thing ™, and also, these Types can tell us a lot about ourselves and our actions. Even just the titles of my Type and Wing, say no more, spot on! I work hard to be intentional about sitting with my emotions, asContinue reading “What’s your Enneagram type?”

Climb Out 2023 Official Schedule!

The official @kcclimboutofthedarkness2023 schedule has been posted! Seriously, what a dream and a delight to be asked to do a LIVE episode of #ThePerinatalPodcast with @wholeparentfoundation for @psiclimbout and @postpartumsupportinternational. A treat! Plus, I know my kids are going to FLIP for Bluey! Remember, it’s free to sign up, or just show up! Can’t waitContinue reading “Climb Out 2023 Official Schedule!”

My husband arranges a photographer every year for Mother’s Day, and while I don’t show my kids’ faces or names on my professional page, I couldn’t resist sharing this beauty. Definitely got this one printed!

Hello, Evergreen State!

Hello, Evergreen State! In honor of becoming licensed to practice in Washington, I found this, my favorite photo I took during my trip to Seattle, Sunnyside, and Woodinville. I mean, where’s the lie, amirite? 😉